Charlotte de Monchy

Charlotte de Monchy
Witty romantic comedy, Women's Fiction

Charlotte de Monchy (1979 – 2024) studied Communication at the University of Amsterdam. He sparkling debut, Six Months Sober, published in 2014, received raving reviews. After that first success, she became a full-time writer with eight bestsellers to her name. De Monchy’s novels are known for their laugh-out-loud humour and idyllic settings – from small Irish villages to the white beaches of Bali and the lustrous forests of Canada.

Over 135,000 copies sold of  Charlote de Monchy’s books

‘The Dutch answer to the ever-popular British feel good: Charlotte de Monchy’s
books are wonderfully written, with relatable characters that immediately draw you
into their lives.’ Libelle

Refreshing, funny and deliciously romantic - Charlotte de Monchy’s writing style is completely irresistible


Against All Odds When Lois arrives in Canada to interview her childhood idol, she receives a frosty welcome. But Lois isn’t one to take no for an answer

Lois works for a small publishing house that’s scraping to get by. Their only hope is an almost-expired book contract with famous former singer Marius Delaive. The catch? Marius has moved to a small town in Canada and wants nothing to do with his old life.

But Lois’ boss is determined. She sends Lois to Canada to get as much out of Marius as she can. She stays in a cosy B&B, run by Jill, whose best friend happens to be close friends with Marius. But getting through to the former superstar turns out much harder than expected. It appears Lois has underestimated her opponent. But then again, so has he…


Material available:

English Synopsis

When Bobbie finds herself sitting on an ergonomic XL ball – curtesy of the business coach – and sees nothing but black spots, she realizes she might be a tad overworked. Luckily, her boss has found her a job on Bali, the island where her sister Lauren lives – the same sister whom she hasn’t spoken to in nine years. All Bobbie needs to do is organize the buy-out of a local surf school, so the company can use the land to build a luxury resort.A piece of cake, as the letter of intent has already been signed.

Afterwards, she’ll have plenty of time to make up with her sister and recharge on a white bounty beach. When she arrives on Bali, things take an unexpected turn. Her sister isn’t exactly overjoyed when Bobbie shows up on her restaurant’s doorstep, massive suitcase in tow. And Samuel, the surf school’s owner, claims he’s never laid eyes on the letter of intent. Yet, Bobbie is certain she can convince him to sell and she books a few surf classes to get closer to him. As they spend time together, the wonderful climate and Samuel’s laid-back attitude and irresistible charm have quite the effect on Bobbie, making her wonder if maybe, just maybe, she’s the one who should be making a change instead?


‘A wonderful feel good story. The characters are guaranteed to make you smile and the setting transports you to a different world.’ ****

‘What Happens in Bali’ is my #1 must read summer book. Treat yourself to a refreshing drink, put some music on and devour this book in a single sitting.’


There is room for improvement in Feline's life: she lives in a creaky former hotel. She has her dream job at the Amsterdam Auction, but only on paper. Her boss gives all the interesting jobs to his son and leaves the boring tasks to Feline.

When Feline has to pick up something for her boss, that trip ends, unexpectedly, in a wild night with the handsome Teun, who works as a banker in the London City. The quirky painting he jokingly gives to her as a farewell present, turns out to hide a second, much more valuable painting: an undiscovered Breitner. Clearly Teun wasn't aware of this. If Feline sells the painting, she is able to renovate her house. She is sure she will never see Teun again. But then an English investment bank hires the Amsterdam Auction for its newly opened Dutch branch. And the banker who runs the project only wants to work with Feline ...

Lisa finds her dream job in an idyllic village. But how will she ever find Mr. Right?

Veterinarian Lisa left Amsterdam and her best friend Tess for a dream job in a village on the Irish countryside. But then it dawns on her that she will never find true love when she works hard and only meets aged farmers.

William returns to the vast family estate after the death of his parents. Once there, he hears he will not receive the inheritance unless he proves his wild years in London are finally over. He will have to engage himself to a 'suitable' wife . In the village there is no one who will qualify - except maybe for the handsome Dutch veterinarian. But there is one single man in the small village that Lisa can't stand…

When you´re living with your sister dear, in a tiny room and you are sleeping with your boss out of sheer boredom, spend most of your working hours watching The Killing on an Ipad hiding in the corporate loos, you know it´s time for a radical change. Robin is well aware drinking and men are usually a recipe for disaster so she takes on a little sisterly wager to go without drink and sex for six months.

The Irish hamlet of Granmoore seems a great place to win this bet. Without hesitation Robin takes on a gig as a nanny but gets into trouble with her employer straight away and the job isn´t exactly what he promised her either. She decides, for lack of a better plan, to stay nonetheless. Her impulsive ways lead to unexpected friendships, hilarious situations and… the chance to find the love of her life.


'A delicious chicklit you'll finish in a single breath!'

'An accomplished, sparkling Dutch chick-lit debut.' NBD Biblion

'This book is amazing.'

Material available:
Full English translation