Felix Weber

Felix Weber
Literary thriller

Felix Weber is the pseudonym of an award-winning Dutch author. His historical thrillers are based on true events, that Weber encountered and unraveled through his personal research.


Represented by 2 Seas Agency


After the war, Eden Lumas escapes to South America, but his past follows him.

Driven by a thirst for adventure, Eden Lumas enlists as a volunteer for the Waffen-SS, at the outbreak of the Second World War. He joins the German Army at the Eastern Front, only to find himself taking part in a ruthless war of destruction. When he becomes involved in the extermination of the Jews, his conscious can no longer be ignored. In an attempt to save a Jewish woman and her baby, he is discovered, executed and left for dead. However, he does not succumb to his injuries and from that moment on, his life is dominated by the hunt for Julius Liedtke, the SS officer who was responsible for his execution. After enduring countless hardships, Lumas ends up in Berlin and hits a dead end.

After the war, Lumas manages to escape to South America, where the Argentina of Juan and Eva Perón proves a safe haven for Nazi refugees. When he meets Sophie Denrée, he hopes to build a new life with her. But his past cathes up with him, and Lumas becomes involved in a struggle for life and death between fleeing Nazis and surviving Jewish avengers.

Represented by 2 Seas Agency


Winner of the Golden Nugget Thriller Award 2017

After the Second World War, resistance fighter Siem Coburg leads a bitter and secluded existence on a remote houseboat. Being accused of having collaborated, and chased by memories of the death of his beloved Rosa, he has turned away from the world. In 1949 a farmer who saved him during the war approaches him again. The disabled grandson of the farmer was killed under suspicious circumstances in an home for mentally and physically handicapped children. Coburg travels to the village in Limburg and during his investigation he finds that more children find death there under unnatural circumstances. But then the clergy and the inhabitants of the village turn against the outsider who is too curious.

'Fascinating mix of fiction and non-fiction.'- de Volkskrant

'In the hands of a lesser writer, this story, which is partially based on true events, could have easily become too melodramatic. But with Felix Weber - or do we need to grant the honour to Gauke Andriesse after all? - it turns into a special and subtle page-turner. Dust To Dust is not an adrenaline-filled ride, but instead it rankles, almost lovingly, the reader. Storylines dance around until they find each other, characters crawl under your skin and into your heart. Dust To Dust is a book full of history, cover-ups, compassion and yes: murder as well. It's one of those rare times the term 'literary thriller' gives you exactly what you expect.' - Jury Report Gouden Strop